Saturday, March 5, 2011

Julian Assange's Wikileaks : The Internet Whistle-blower

Celebrities exposed, rich people exposed , politicians exposed, everyone’s exposed.This is a very common scenario these days. There was a time when nobody used to bother on these things but that is definitely not that case today.It seems that people are eagerly and anxiously waiting for such things to happen. Well, I do not belong to any such category but yes one thing that has really caught off my attention these days is the phenomenal , one and the only super duper awesome WIKILEAKS.Here are some simple facts about Julian Assange, founder of the WikiLeaks website, which is dedicated to leaking confidential information to the public.Julian Assange is an Australian who had already got his grey hair at a young age.He began his hacking life at the age of 16 and did other crazy computer stuff and was eventually nabbed for several times.Mr Assange is a role model for all of us who wish to increase transparency in all aspects of public/government/corporate life. His amazing website is a true refuge for whistle-blowers as well as an unusual (in this day and age) beacon of fact-based minimalist journalism. Furthermore, it must be noted that Mr. Assange is truly a defiantly courageous individual and, irrespective of what many Americans (and perhaps others--I can't speak for them) are currently being led to believe, he can NOT be called a "terrorist" as personally i think he's harmed no one and has made no threats of any kind to do so.In my opinion , I think never once in the history before that someone has created any site created such profound impact the way this Wikileaks seems to have done.But my question is , why do people ( mostly journalist ) hate Julian Assange so much?Is it because he is foreign?Is it because he is not an European?He is only trying to reveal what politicians have been saying all along about the lies we are being told. Why would the left hate him?Personally I don't hate him. I think people are under the misconception that Assange is Wikileaks, he isn't. Wikileaks is a news "corporation" same as any other and they are meant to report news to us. Assange is just the spokesperson for that company, Wikileaks will not stop and still will be remained even if Assange is not around.Some say that Wikileaks are selective about what they expose, but hey any information is better than no information.Assange’s position has always been rife with ironies.Are the journalists jealous of him for outdoing them and betraying this country or they're afraid to get caught up in the witch hunt?In my view , Assange is purely concerned with TRUTH something America and many other governments all across the world lost many years ago.Perhaps that political leaders such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Sarah Palin are just symptoms of a broken unethical system that people lot still believe in.The media now hate Assange most likely because he made their hero, Obama, look ridiculous.The hypocrisy of U.S stance on keeping world peace is to ensure the world retains 'freedom of speech' but it is slowly becoming more like 'political correctness' more and more everyday.Lately , the US has been increasingly paranoid about the rise of power in china and how china is going to be the biggest economy in time to come.They called the former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd a 'control freak' and it seems that Gillard is standing on their side.I literally find it as a funny joke like isnt that what they are? Some people call him a coward , well maybe a little , as he's always running away and that is far from being a true activist who really wants change would stand up and fight for it.Isn't it so obvious that when governments worldwide start to attack an individual and try to rubbish that persons name, that feel endangered, under attack by the truth.We as the people have a right to know the underhand dealings of our governments , the very people so called 'public servants' who work for us as we voted for them and without us they are literally nothing.There are people in the world who are easy to like, and also some who are easy to hate.I guess Julian Assange is the most despised man in the US .Furthermore , many conservatives are now not only calling for Assange's arrest, but for his death with or without a trial.Is that threat only reserved for people like Saddam Hussein?Assange doesn’t really have a home.He travels all the time , he's on the run not just from U.S. authorities, but from pretty much all western governments in the world. He’s not a terrorist in the sense that he does not hijack planes and crash it into a building. Here’s a good example. Assange’s release of confidential data will not, as part of the action itself, kill anyone. After all, all he’s doing is copying a pile of files up to a server. But, once certain people get a hold of that data, they’ll get names of confidential informants, for example, and then go hunt down and kill those people.I think there is a small element of terrorism , it just works a little differently.I think there is a bad side and a good side of Wikileaks.I admire what he and others have done to keep us in touch with what is going on in the underworld. It gives us a better opportunity to look at politicians a lot more closely.He told us things we need to know about these underworld characters who call themselves very noble politicians. We can now chose who we trust and who we don't trust. I don't fully trust America, and he has proven I was right.

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