Friday, April 13, 2012

Sir John Major, Now David Cameron

This dude is probably one of my favorite british prime ministers, he's David Cameron, leader of the conservative party UK, and also the youngest prime minister in nearly 200 years.
He's obviously the one of the left
I'm delighted that he made an official visit to Malaysia just a couple of days ago, i know that prime minister Najib had visited UK several times including the visit in the midst of the bersih rally which took place last year.Considering the fact that the queen was wearing yellow, i guess she's a women with a sense of humour.Coincidence or what? Well anyway, i just hope UK's relationship with Malaysia will be strengthened.
There are several reasons why i like this guy, let me tell you a few: 

  1.  He's very charismatic, he's tall and speaks with confidence.
  2.  He resembles very closely with Buzz Lighter, my favorite toy story toy.
  3.  I like how he debates in parliament, how he savages Ed Miliband in most of the PMQ.
  4.  Although he's from a rich background and an etonian,he has his own youtube channel,transparency.       
  5.  He stood his ground in a confrontation with the French president.
  6.  He sometimes rides a bicycle to office.
  7.  He's serious about his job and fulfills his responsibilities as a PM .
  8.  And most of all, he's a role model to follow.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Everything in Moderation

too much sleep = feel even more tired, half of your day gone
too little sleep = less energy, poor mental performance
eat too much = fats
eat too little = bag of bones
too many friends = confused whether they are genuine
too little friends = extreme boredom, lifeless shit
exercise too much = dehydration, exhaustion, feel like dying
exercise too little = fats, and other disease coming soon
study too much = go kuku
study too little = dumbass

They say 'do everything in moderation', do you agree with that statement?